Once we are out of the house, we often start ignoring the lessons our parents taught us. This is particularly true for simple but annoying ones like washing our hands. Unfortunately, it's impossible to know whether any particular case of coronavirus could have been prevented by better hand-washing. Before surgery, surgeons have to stand at the scrub sink for 5 full minutes, and use an under-the-nail brush, and a very strong soap with a scrub brush on each finger, both sides of their hands, and scrub all the way up to their elbows.

If you can see the dirt or grease on your hands, then use soap and water to clean them. You should wash your hands after using the restroom, before eating, before and after handling food, after coughing and sneezing and after handling trash (here's a full list of situations the require hand washing ).

There's even a lyrics generator for better hand-washing. Finally, rinse your hands properly then grab a paper towel to dry your hands before closing the tap. Schaffner says his research has shown that the more people try to get better at hand-washing - going for longer, scrubbing more thoroughly - the less likely they are to spread contamination around a kitchen.

What you should do is when you feel like you have to go wash your hands more than usual, just refuse to do it. You are going to feel a lot of anxiety follow depending on the severity of your condition, but I can assure you that no tragedy will befall you because you did not excessively wash your hands.

Gordon shared the video to his Instagram this week as part of the #nhshandwashchallenge , which raises awareness of proper hand-washing techniques amid the global coronavirus pandemic. 4. Use 1 hand to rub the back of the other hand and clean in between the fingers.

Apply enough soap to cover your hands. You should wash your hands for at least #washyourhands 20-30 seconds. Food handlers in restaurants, schools, delis and grocery stores must wash their hands with soap and water before applying hand sanitizers. When finished washing hands, do not touch the faucet directly to turn it off or your hands will be dirty again.